Thursday, September 26, 2013

Motor City Shakedown by D.E. Johnson


Will Anderson is plotting his revenge against Vito Adamo when he is swept into the middle of a gang war between Adamo and the Gianolla brothers. As much as he tries to escape, his family and the woman he loves, Elizabeth Hume, are threatened by the Gianolla brothers. He must put aside his hatred of Adamo and his distrust of the police force in order to try and keep everyone he cares about alive. The plot is fast-paced and action packed. However, this book is a sequel and the author doesn't explain what happened in the first book very well. I wouldn't advise this book unless you already read "The Detroit Electric Scheme." My favorite parts of the book were when the author described like in 1911. It was very detailed and (I'm assuming) accurate.

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